Taking care of the environment, we, VENDEN, have been taking various measures for many years which are aimed at preserving natural resources, protecting the environment, increasing energy efficiency, and promoting a "green" lifestyle.

In this declaration, we have summarized the most important activities we have implemented over the past years, which are united by one goal – to minimize the environmental impact of the manufacturing of our products, both well-known and new, while maintaining their consistently high quality in accordance with the consumers' wishes.

In this declaration you will find out what activities we are carrying out in various areas:

We are convinced that such an integrated approach to all business-related areas is the way to reduce our impact on the environment in the long term.

We, VENDEN, encourage everyone to take care of the environment every day and preserve the resources of our planet – Earth!

Award of the Greenest Brand in Latvia

Every year, the most nature-friendly Latvian companies are awarded the Baltic Brand Ranking award in the category Greenest Brand in Latvia. From year to year, VENDEN confidently maintains its position among the 20 leading companies of this top, and in 2021 it rose to an honourable 3rd place.

However, nothing ends with receiving an award – we continue working on further development and implementation of various innovations, for example, helping to reduce the use of plastic in manufacturing processes. Improving product ergonomics and ease of use is an equally important area of our activity.

Being kind to nature and continuing to offer customers the most natural and healthy products possible is one of VENDEN’s main goals.


The manufacturing process implies constant quality control and continuous development, improvement of processes and technologies, and the use of new materials and raw materials. This is determined both by internal decisions to increase efficiency and effectiveness, as well as by changes in consumer demands, various market trends and regulatory enactments in Latvia and the European Union. Plastic and cardboard packaging are an inevitable part of the manufacturing cycle of our products, therefore, we regularly take various measures to continually reduce the environmental impact of our manufacturing.


It is not a secret that the global situation with the amount of waste in the environment is rapidly deteriorating. In recent years, member states of the European Union have been focusing on a circular economy that involves sharing, renting, reusing, repairing, recovering and recycling waste, materials and products for as long as possible. Thus, the product circulation cycle is extended, which in practice means minimizing the amount of waste.

Nature and environment

We can be proud that we live in a very green country, with more than 50% of its territory covered by forests. However, the share of natural meadows is decreasing every year, and various global problems, for example, with freshwater resources, are becoming even more acute.

Taking care of the environment, preserving Latvian flora, fauna and biotopes is a common long-term goal of our society, therefore every year we implement various measures to preserve and restore existing natural resources. Our main products – VENDEN Mežavots spring water and VENDEN natural mineral water – are also created by nature itself.

Administrative activities

It can be considered that the influence of a family, an enterprise or an individual country on various global environmental problems is very insignificant. However, even small, sometimes seemingly insignificant changes in the actions of each person are a small step towards a greener and cleaner world. For these reasons, we at VENDEN also regularly analyse the administrative processes and work of various company departments, including logistics, in search of new ways to preserve natural resources.

Social events

An important part of our corporate social responsibility is to educate the public about the need to preserve and protect natural resources by supporting various green and active lifestyle initiatives daily. An understanding of the impact of our actions on the environment and its protection should be formed in childhood; therefore, we have been implementing activities aimed at educating preschool children for several years. By investing time and money now, we hope for an environmentally friendly and responsible young generation!

VENDEN – a gift of nature from the Gauja National Park

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