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TOTAL: 0.00 EUR  
WITH VAT: 0.00 EUR  
In case of questions, call 67344444

We would like to inform you that on January 24th of this year, VENDEN's working hours will be shortened.
Orders for delivery on January 25th and 27th can be placed on our website www.venden.lv or by calling  67 34 44 44 between 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM.
Deliveries in Riga and the Riga region will only be made during the first half of the day.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!

Information about order deliveries 

We inform you that when placing an order online, it is not possible to select a delivery time interval. When placing an order, please indicate the desired delivery time in the comments and we will do our best to comply with it.
Orders for next day delivery placed on our website www.venden.lv or by calling +371 67 34 44 44 are accepted on weekdays from 08:00 to 17:00.

Orders placed outside of business hours (after 17:00 to 8:00  or on weekends or holidays) will automatically be rescheduled two business days ahead or to the next delivery day based on your individual schedule.

In case of uncertainty or questions, please call us 67344444 or write an e-mail to info@venden.lv

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