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Interview with Solvita Kabakova - the founder of the “Leader” forum

In September, the fourth “Leader” forum of growth and inspiration took place, and VENDEN was delighted and pleased to support this event this year by providing visitors with natural mineral water throughout the day. The “Leader” forum has become an indispensable event for many entrepreneurial women and has become a celebration for them with inspiring, educational lecturers sharing their stories. Because visitors themselves recognize that this is the most beautiful and absolutely beautiful day of the year, they then make so many important choices in their lives and this gathering really makes an impact! We invited Solvita Kabakova, the founder of the “Leader” forum, to find out how the idea of ​​this event was born, what is the key to its success, how the topics are chosen, what stories influenced it, what motivates it?

Solvita says that the year of the forum’s birth was magical, two cherished dreams came true - the first “Leader” event took place, and she became the mother of her third child. What synergy was there between these two special and significant events? What lessons did Solvita learn from her first love? Watch and find out more in the interview.

